lunedì, giugno 18, 2007


WHEN IT IS GROSS AND MUGGY OUT, my first instinct is to throw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants as the day’s outfit. The gray and dreary weather on Wednesday and the fact that it was 7am gave me no choice but to put on my most comfortable clothes and head to class. The Wednesday market was in full swing an hour later, after Italian, and I browsed through the stands with a couple of friends until it was time for the next class.

People generally tend to stare when I am walking past, I guess since, in a small town, the Americans really stick out. But people were staring so hard and long and it was so obvious that I had done something wrong! I would walk past and people would actually turn their heads to look at me.

It wasn’t until I realized that they were looking down on me (literally) that I realized they were staring at my sweatpants. I guess Italian girls (or boys, or men, or women even) don’t typically go out in such casual attire. I guess I understand that, but it was just interesting to me since the standard outfit of choice at any given American college campus consists of a t-shirt and sweatpants. People that get dressed up for early class are crazy (to me at least). I wonder what the Italian girls would think about that?
-Lea Faminiano

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