TODAY I TRIED TO FIND THE GYM. I thought it was going to be a short walk but it turned into an hour and a half adventure. I asked Nicole where the gym was and she told me to walk across the bridge to New Cagli, turn left, and just keep walking. She said it would be impossible to miss, but it turned out to be impossible not to miss. I think we walked down every street. We decided to ask women in the tennis shoe store where it was and they sent us down a driveway to a garage. While we were down there some sweaty men emerged from the forest and asked us if we were looking for the soccer. We said no and became very confused. It was getting close to dinner and we were having no luck so we just gave up.
After dinner we tried again. We walked up and down the streets again asking people for the gym. We would make running gestures and they would think we wanted soccer so we pretended to lift weights and then they understood. Two women told us it was on one street and they would take us to that street. We walked down the street and found nothing. We came upon a group of old ladies and we asked them. They thought we wanted soccer at first too but then they caught on. They told us the gym was underneath the laundromat across from the bank. When we got there it was surprising how small the gym was. It does not seem like Italians exercise.
-Stephanie Meros
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